一、Is the daily travel switch, limit switch, and proximity switch just a name? Is there a small difference between them, and will this small difference affect our selection?
1, The travel switch: is a switch that determines the circuit by the displacement of the object, the travel switch and the limit switch are position switches, but the travel switch can detect the travel, and can be used as an input signal to control the circuit at a certain distance, in short, it is two limit switches.

2, limit switch: can be installed on relatively stationary objects (such as fixed frame, door frame, etc., referred to as still life) or moving objects (such as driving, doors, etc.). When the object approaches the still object, the connecting rod of the switch drives the contact of the switch to cause the closed contact to break or the open contact to close. The action of the circuit and mechanism is controlled by the change of the open and close state of the switch contact. Limit switches can also be divided into rotary limit switches and straight limit switches.

3, Proximity switch: proximity switch, also known as contactless stroke switch, in addition to complete stroke control and limit protection, or a non-contact detection device, used to detect parts size and speed measurement, etc., can also be used for frequency conversion counter, frequency conversion pulse generator, liquid level control and automatic connection of processing programs.
It is characterized by reliable operation, long life, low power consumption, high repositioning accuracy, high operating frequency and adaptability to harsh working environment. In various types of switches, a component that has the ability to “sense” objects approaching it.

二、 The difference between proximity switch, limit switch, travel switch:
1、The proximity switch is a contactless switch with a long life and is suitable for passing signals.
2、The limit switch, also called the travel switch, is a contact switch, suitable for single-direction position detection, because of the contact, the relative life is short.
3、The stroke switch is also known as the limit switch, the stroke switch and the limit switch are position switches, but the stroke switch can detect the stroke and can be used as an input signal to control the circuit at a certain distance. It is different from the limit switch to detect the signal of the limit position and play the role of stopping and protecting.